24th to 26th october – 7.30pm
Running time 40 min
Tarifs particuliers
Recommended for ages 12 and up
Growing up in a war zone means being permanently inhabited by politics and violence. In Losing It, Samaa Wakim questions the way in which this experience has played a part in the construction of her identity, exploring how the trauma of past generations manifests itself in her own body. The Palestinian artist returns to the fantastical worlds she imagined for herself as a child to overcome fear and survive growing up under occupation. As the terror takes over again, her world disintegrates, her landmarks become blurred and the boundary between reality and fiction disappears, both in physical space and in sound. The dialogue between Samar Haddad King’s live music and Samaa Wakim’s voice creates a universe in which the sounds that might have frightened or comforted her intermingle, embodying a past and present that obscure the future.

© Christian Altorfer

Cocréation Samaa Wakim et Samar Haddad King
Chorégraphie et performance Samaa Wakim Musique et instrument Samar Haddad King Lumières Cord Haldun Musique Turathy (Album : Autostrad) Prière par Mounira Wakim Production Yaa Samar! Dance Theatre, Khashabi Theatre, and Theaterformen Festival
Production Samaa Wakim Coproduction Theaterformen Festival, Yaa Samar! dance theater & Khashabi theater Coproducteur en Europe Theaterformen festival en Allemagne
« Losing it » a été crée dans le cadre du projet « Un|Controlled Gestures? »(2019-2020) du Goethe Institute Creation 2021 @festival Theaterformen Hanover, Germany. Production déléguée Sens Interdits Avec le soutien de l’ONDA – Office National de Diffusion Artistique
Coréalisation Festival Sens Interdits et les SUBS

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