Théâtre du Point du Jour
17th october –
18th october – 9.pmRunning time 1h
Tarif 2
Recommended for ages 14 and up
Meeting with the artists after the show on 17 october
Tituba, the black witch involved in the Salem trials in the 17th century, is the starting point for Dorothée Munyaneza’s new show, which tackles the question of memory and heritage. This long-forgotten figure is a symbol of resistance to oppression as a black woman, whom Maryse Condé exhumed from memory with her book Moi, Tituba, sorcière… in 1986. To pay tribute to her and to all the voices and bodies that have been erased, silenced and bruised, Dorothée Munyaneza has created a “collective solo”, a danced archive to overcome oblivion and erasure. Based on a text by feminist philosophy researcher Elsa Dorlin about Tituba, the artist moves between light and shadow, blurring the boundaries between the present and the absent, in a costume and set designed by visual artist Sophie Coudert. She is accompanied by the distant voices of oral archives, a fragile thread of transmission whose power at the heart of our societies is restored by composer Khyam Allami.
© Elodie Paul
Mise en scène Dorothée Munyaneza Texte Elsa Dorlin
Avec Dorothée Munyaneza Musique originale Khyam Allimi, Dorothée Munyaneza Création costumes
Stéphanie Coudert Création & régie lumière Marine Levey Régie son Camille Frachet Régie générale Marion Piry
Production Cie Kadidi, Virginie Dupray Coproduction Tanz im August – HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin, Chaillot Théâtre National de la Danse, Maison de la Danse Lyon – Pôle Européen de création, DeSingel Anvers, Pavillon ADC Genève Avec le soutien de la Fondation Camargo, Cassis et de la DRAC Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
Dorothée Munyaneza est artiste associée à Chaillot Théâtre National de la Danse, à la Fondation Carmargo et à la Maison de la danse Lyon.
Coréalisation Maison de la Danse et Théâtre du Point Jour