Under the Festival tent in front of the Célestins, Théâtre de Lyon, in the Festival venues and in partner venues, the Hors-scène events are an opportunity, following on from the shows, to open up a space for reflection, debate and criticism, and to exchange ideas with artists, intellectuals, academics, women and men of commitment, the driving forces behind the Festival.
New! The Festival invites you to the Big Top for meetings with artists, guests and the Festival team.
- From Monday to Friday, at 5.50pm, Les rencontres Prétextes: an hour of readings and discussions.
- Every day from 10.30pm, the Conversations nocturnes: informal get-togethers after the performances, a chance to discuss the day’s shows, look back on the highlights of Sens Interdits and meet the artists.
Discover all the other events:
Lebanon : two artists, two perspectives
Cinéma Lumière Bellecour
12th october 6.45pm
Opening night
Special evenening
Town Hall
13th october 6.30pm
Rencontre Labellisation
Festival Tent, place des Célestins
14th october 3.pm
Web Radio
Live recordings
Festival Tent, place des Célestins
15th, 21th and 28th october
Histoire d’un chemin, chronique de violences policières
Festival Tent, place des Célestins
14th to 28th october
Musée des histoires (non) imaginées
Ateliers Presqu’Île
15th to 19th october
Construire et Initier en Afrique
Théâtre de l’Elysée
15th october 11.am
Brassage : du village à la maison de la danse
Danse workshop
Chapiteau, place des Célestins
17 october
La langue des oiseaux
Goethe Institut
17th october – 7.pm
21th october – 6.pm
Le monde sur un plateau : Les violences faites aux femmes ici et ailleurs
Médiathèque de Vaise
19th october 6.30pm
Créoles, langues et identités
Ferme du Vinatier
20th october 7.pm
Journée Créoles, langues et diversité
Workshop, meal, show and meetings
Festival Tent, place des Célestins
21th october starting from 11.am
La scène palestienne : obstacles, perspectives et luttes
Festival Tent, place des Célestins
22th october 11.am
The Waste Land of Putinist
Festival Tent, place des Célestins
28th october 10.am
Résister au pouvoir
Festival Tent, place des Célestins
28th october 11.am
Ñi pu tremen : the film – KIMVN Teatro
Festival Tent, place des Célestins
27th october 9.30pm
Des liens forts et fidèle avec le Conservatoire de Lyon
Readings and meetings
Festival Tent, place des Célestins
28th october 2.30pm